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Mission: Good Vibes

I am going on Week 2 of feeling off. I'm unsettled and stressed out and I haven't been able to really put my finger on it. Backstory: My entire kitchen/main floor of my house is being painted, sanded, deconstructed and access to many of my basic kitchen appliances has been restricted (at best) for the past 2 weeks and my husband has been out of town for almost that entire time traveling for business. And it's the last week of 1st grade and PreK for my kids. So yeah, I have an idea of where the stress is coming from.

But what I mean is, I, as a yogi, am supposed to know how to manage these blatant, obvious stressors and breathe through it and handle it accordingly. But I have been so off-kilter and I haven't given it the true attention it deserves. This unsettled, nervous energy that's been suffocating me.

Until now.

I was listening to the Whine Down with Jana Kramer podcast (of all things!) yesterday on my way to sub a yoga class and her first guest was Spiritual Healer Shiva Rose. As I was listening to Shiva talk about crystals and herbs and essential oils, it hit me. I figured out the problem.

It's the ENERGY that has entered my house! There have been 4-6 men that I don't know in and out of my house for the past 2 weeks. They've all seemed very nice and I'm not saying any of them have a bad energy. But it's not MY energy. Or my family or friends. It's unknown.

ALSO, it's been a struggle just to get to the food in my house to feed my kids breakfast. We've been eating out a LOT (which I HATE.) My kitchen cabinets are in my garage. The walls are wet. The refrigerator is in the middle of the kitchen and my stove has been covered in plastic for about half of that time. But that led me to what that really means. My basic, most primal needs of food and shelter are being disturbed and my root chakra is all out of whack.

Now that I know the problem - Bad energy + Root Chakra misalignment - I can fix it. This morning, I got up and got everybody off to school. I came home, and started in the basement (since they're still working on the main floor - almost done!). I straightened up the toys and mess and created a little sacred space for my yoga mat. I lit some incense, diffused some BALANCE essential oil, and did a nice, root chakra balancing yoga practice. Then I cleaned. And I mean REALLY cleaned. Scrubbed floors, bathroom, dusted, etc. Then I sat down to share this on the blog and now I'm headed upstairs.

Once the workers are gone, I'll sage the whole place and I feel like life will return to normal. Whatever that looks like because by then, the kids will be out of school and home with me all summer. And then we'll scrap the sage and switch to wine. ;) (kidding, sort of.)

I hope, if nothing else, you can take from this blog that energy is a real thing. It's not something I used to give much thought to but once I tapped in, I'm a believer. Bad energy can weigh you down and stress you out and physically affect you. But good energy can uplift you and give you courage and strength and comfort and peace. Sending good energy vibes your way, my tribe!


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