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The Season of... Receiving??

It’s that time of the year when we’re all constantly reminded that “it’s better to give than to receive”. And it’s the “Season of Giving” and we’re giving our time, energy, talents, gifts in the name of doing good. And it truly does feel better to give than to receive. What’s better than seeing someone’s face light up with pure joy because of something you have given them? We're not knocking any of that here today.


There comes a time when if you don’t do some receiving, you’re going to have nothing left to give. A yogi friend of mine calls this strategy your “Oxygen Mask”. In the event of an emergency on an airplane, you must apply your oxygen mask first before you can offer it to others. If you don’t take care of you, you won’t have anything left to give. So how do we replenish ourselves?

I found a really simple way during a yoga practice earlier this week. In Warrior 2, the teacher instructed us to flip our palms up. In all my years of practicing, I’ve always thought the “proper” alignment for Warrior 2 was palms down. Says who? Flipping my hands up, and then leaving my hands open throughout my practice literally and physically brought in new energy into my body. Now, energy is hard. Like faith, you can’t really explain it or quantify it or see it. You just have to FEEL it. I give a lot of energy while teaching and working and parenting and wife-ing and friending. We all do. We’re putting out energy all day every day and if we’re not careful, we will give it all away and have nothing left. I found replenishment and nourishment just by turning my palms up. Opening myself up and being willing and ready for some new energy to come in.

I’ve studied the energy in the body, specifically the chakra system, a little bit but by no means am I an expert. But I have felt it. And when I was least expecting it, I found that just by flipping my hand over, I noticed how closed I’ve been. And how easy it was to open myself back up. I encourage you to try it. Maybe flip your palms up in your next yoga class. Or wherever you are right now, turn your palms up and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose and invite something new in. Slowly exhale. Do this as often as you need to. And then feel your shoulders relax and your chest open up. Notice the difference.

And then get back to giving. Tis the season.


P.S. Isn't it ironic that I take this picture in front of this beautiful, wide open, palms up Hamsa Hand tapestry at the Mind Body Studio at the Marcus Jewish Community Center?! It's a symbol of the Hand of God. In all faiths, it's a protective sign and brings it's owner happiness, luck, health and good fortune.

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